Holyoke Ueshiro Karate

Shōjin Dōjō

Mission Statement

To propagate the art of Shorin-Ryu Karate USA, its kata and techniques, as handed down by our founder, Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro.

To preserve and protect the history, traditions, methods and integrity of Shorin-Ryu Karate USA.

To develop students to their maximum potential in body, mind and spirit; through courtesy, propriety, self-discipline and the ecstasy of hard work fostered by our dojo - the sacred training halls - of Shorin-Ryu Karate USA.

Those old Three k’s of karate


Before there was Youtube or subscription apps for instructionals, we taught each other martial arts by chaining techniques together in solo drills. That’s kata.


Nobody fights by doing a kata all in sequence. Kumite is the laboratory of karate, where the techniques and combinations studied in kata can be applied and experienced.


The components of kata, and thus, kumite. These are the “basic techniques” of karate - kicks, punches, blocks, grabs, steps, and body mechanics.